Award to Elisa Sorrenti
Congratulations to Elisa Sorrenti, PhD student at #LRT_EOC in Prof. Giandomenica Iezzi’s lab, for the best poster presentation award at the Associazione MicrobiaotaMi congress 2023.
Congratulations to Elisa Sorrenti, PhD student at #LRT_EOC in Prof. Giandomenica Iezzi’s lab, for the best poster presentation award at the Associazione MicrobiaotaMi congress 2023.
The “Fond’Action contre le cancer” supports a project of the Regenerative Medicine Technologies Lab. The team of prof. Matteo Moretti, in collaboration with the team of prof. Francesco Bertoni (at IOR), will work on the development of a 3D high throughput platform reproducing lymphoma disease in the bone marrow. The platform will be used to…
Nell’ambito della trasmissione “Come va?” a cura di RSI, EOC è presente anche con i Laboratori di Ricerca Traslazionale. Qui nella puntata “Uniti contro il Parkinson” la Professoressa Melli ed il suo gruppo raccontano la ricerca che portano avanti per migliorare la diagnosi dei pazienti affetti da Parkinson.
Anna Rinaldi, nostra collaboratrice scientifica nei laboratori di ricerca traslazionale, ha vinto il premio dalla European Renal Association al congresso della Società Svizzera di Nefrologia per la sua presentazione “Impaired fatty acid metabolism perpetuates lipotoxicity along the transition to chronic kidney injury”.
The State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation has funded an ERC starting grant obtained by Dr. Simone Bersini and transferred to Switzerland. The project will identify mechanisms of vascular aging through microphysiological systems and machine-learning techniques Congratulations Simone!
Every year, Dr. Falk Pharma AG awards a prize for innovative publications in Switzerland. Last week, Dr. Sheida Moghadamrad (prize winner 2021) were awarded in a festive atmosphere! Congratulations Sheida! Photo: Pia Meier, Stadt-Anzeiger Opfikon
United European Gastroenterology Week Our PHD, POST-DOC Oriol Juanola, received an award for the best presentation of the session UP Gi: Basic Science. The topic generated an interesting discussion with the audience. Congratulations Oriol!
The USI Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, together with its affiliated and partner institutes, offers study programmes for doctoral students in Immunology, Oncology, Neurology, Cardiology, Drug sciences, Public Health and Computational Biomedicine. On October 7, a selection of young doctoral students currently attending these programmes will present their research work at the 4th BioMed PhD Day,…