Albrecht von Haller Young Investigator Award 2024: premiati studi sulle infiammazioni del tessuto adiposo e sulla fibrillazione atriale

La dott.ssa Srividya Velagapudi e la dott.ssa Vanessa Biemmi ricevono l’Albrecht von Haller Young Investigator Award 2024. La dott.ssa Velagapudi studia le infiammazioni del tessuto adiposo e il loro effetto sulle malattie cardiovascolari, mentre la dott.ssa Biemmi esamina i meccanismi che possono portare all’ictus cerebrale in caso di fibrillazione atriale. Pericolose infiammazioni del tessuto adiposo…

Vontobel Stiftung awarded a research grant to Sheida Moghadamrad

Vontobel Stiftung has awarded Dr. Sheida Moghadamrad for her project, which aims to deepen our understanding of Metabolic dysfunction fatty liver disease (MASLD) by exploring the role of Paneth cells -specialized intestinal innate immune cells- in regulating gut barrier function and lipid absorption. Utilizing advanced methodologies such as in vivo laser endomicroscopy, 3D and 2D…

Award to Elisa Sorrenti

Congratulations to Elisa Sorrenti, PhD student at #LRT_EOC in Prof. Giandomenica Iezzi’s lab.for the best oral presentation at the BioMed PhD Day 2024 entitled “Interplay between tumor-associated neutrophils and gut microbiota in human colorectal cancer”.

Pioneering Research Grant Awarded to Prof. Lucio Barile for Innovative Study on Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy

The Swiss National Science Foundation has awarded a prestigious research grant to Prof. Lucio Barile from the Istituto Cardiocentro Ticino and Laboratories for Translational Research of Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale, for an ambitious bilateral research project in collaboration with a research group led by Dr. Marzia De Bortoli at Eurac Research Institute in Bolzano. The project…

Swiss National Science Foundation funds Prof. Simone Bersini (Laboratories for Translational Research, Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale)

It is our great pleasure to announce that Prof. Bersini was granted 800’000 chf funding to continue his research on vascular aging. The funded project deals with the “biofabrication” of microscale models of the blood brain barrier through miniaturized systems called “organ-on-a-chip”. Using human vascular cells, the project will allow to build 3D models of…

LRT-EOC Annual Report 2023

Conducting laboratory research with the primary objective of identifying practical applications to improve patient care (this is what translational research is). Taking full advantage of synergies within the EOC’s facilities, also thanks to its group leaders, who balance their work between research laboratories and patient care in hospital. Aiming to use innovative and cutting-edge techniques,…

Understanding the onset of glomerular proteinuria in kidney disease

A new study of the nephrology group combined functional imaging with single cell sequencing to delineate the landscape of responses to proteinuria along the entire nephron. The study highlights that proteinuria induces both remodeling and injury, in a segment specific manner. This research is a collaboration with Sophie de Seigneux’s lab in Geneva and Andrew…